Updated: Monday 3rd October 2016 | Home | About | Contact Us | Diary | QRD | Rules | WFS | SHŌGUN | CONTACT! | Links |
General Regulations |
Appendix A: Declaration |
Appendix B: WFS |
Appendix C: SHŌGUN |
Appendix D: CONTACT! |
Appendix E: Public Shows |
Appendix F: Catering |
SHŌGUN Game Rules |
CONTACT! Game Rules |
IMPORTANTRegrettably this section is currently being completely rewritten, and the following and associated text has been left on-line for reference by those involved in their redrafting.Apologies for the inconvenience. |
"Rules are not the fetters of genius, they are the fetters of men with no genius."
- Sir Joshua Reynolds (English painter), 1767
Rules and regulations can seem to be an awfully dry subject, but they not only keep all of us happy and healthy, they also serve as a very effective Idiot Filter. Our events are Self-Marshalled, which means there is no one looking over your shoulder to check that you or anyone else isn't doing anything silly, and therefore YOU all need to be familiar with the rules and regs. Therefore, it is VITAL that you read them at least once a year, to familiarise, remind and update your knowledge. Without such documents we WILL end up with people hurt,, upset, or even sued. They aren't long and a little time spent doing the "house-keepping" WILL save a lot of potential grief in the future. So please persivere and read on...
Listed in the lower bar above are links to the School's "General Regulations", its appendices, and the game rules for SHŌGUN and CONTACT. As a member you are required to FULLY read and then adhere to the General Regulations, and then to the applicable Appendices and game rules of the activities in which you wish to participate. Please be aware that these appendices contain the additional material exclusive to the relevant activity, while the General Regulations contain material common to all. Therefore these appendices MUST NOT be referred to in isolation, but as an extension to the other documents. Notice of any updates will be given to all members via the various email groups run by the School, so you'll always know what's what. At the start of all events, a safety briefing and a rules reminder will be given to all participants to keep it fresh. For further information, clarifications or to make observations and/or suggestions, please contact me, Dean Waylandl, by phone on 01438-368177, or by e-mail .
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Top |
General Regulations |
Appendix A: Declaration |
Appendix B: WFS |
Appendix C: SHŌGUN |
Appendix D: CONTACT! |
Appendix E: Public Shows |
Appendix F: Catering |
SHŌGUN Game Rules |
CONTACT! Game Rules |
Home | About | Contact Us | Diary | QRD | Rules | WFS | SHŌGUN | CONTACT! | Links |